"Astrology represents the summation of all the psychological knowledge of antiquity." C.G. Jung
My story

Guided by your birth chart, I offer practical and workable strategies for manifesting the bright promise inherent in your own natal blueprint. Rational, yet highly intuitive, with knowledge grounded in astrology, my artistic grasp of design and pattern helps to inform my understanding of the chart.

Twin threads of yoga and astrology, to which I dedicated myself in the 1960s, have been woven through all aspects of my life.  Versatile and energetic, I've actualized a variety of interests and accomplishments, including published books and academic degrees.

 When it comes to relating the chart to the person, I often see opportunities and potentials that someone with a more conventional or limited background might miss. This has been the hallmark of my teaching, mentoring and consulting for more than five decades.

My approach is to focus on what's working in an individual's life and strategically find ways to use astrology as a tool to strengthen their work, play or health goals. I help individuals become aware of how they can make the most of their lives via understanding the timing of transits, eclipses, progressions and other chart factors.

Historically, astrologers were our first astronomers and astrology was an honored and respected art/science practiced by emperors, kings, mathematicians and popes.

Doctors in times gone by were conversant with astrology, because healing the body required knowledge of the innate physical and mental tendencies of the different zodiac types.

Planetary archetypes inspired painters, sculptors and other visual artists.  Architects designed buildings in ancient times to serve as stellar observatories and to  mark the passage of time.
In literature, Chaucer, Shakespeare, and Homer, among others, displayed astrological sophistication in their writings.  As the psychology of the ancients. astrology gave writers a common vocabulary with which to describe human personalities.